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Beer Samples
Friends Drinking Beer

First Beachside Brewery!

Owners: Tom Caffrey, Krista Goodrich, and the Betts.


816 Main Street Daytona Beach

Date of Birth:

February 10th 2019

The Urge to Brew steps from the Beach

Who doesn't like having a nice cold, fresh beer brewed just steps away from the white sand and perfectly warn ocean? We thought the same thing.

Main Street Daytona beach has been a historic landmark for centries. When looking for a place to call home, we found the perfect spot! It took a lot of work to finally turn this one time, t-shirt shop for bike week, into THE coolest spot to be! With a short walk down to the pier, attractions such as the slingshot, and the convention center, we decided to put our refuel station right inbetween it all!

Come check out the coolest spot in town!

Work Experience

June 2025 - April 2026

July 2024 - May 2025

January 2023 - June 2024

The Doors opened to the Pallet Pub! The host location to what will later be known as the brewhouse. Having no more then a stocked cooler of cold beer, a few tables, and the occasional pallet class.

Introducing of the Brew Family of Tifanie Weed and Thomas Betts, formerly known as Betts Brewing, to parnter up and begin the proccess of developing the World's Most Famous Brewery!

We upgraded! From Nano-brew to Micro-brew! Starting this journey making 2 kegs per batch, and constantly being consumed of all our supply of beer quickly. This allowed us to start producing the new and improved beer that is now being broadcast to the World!

Let's Get


Beer Sign
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